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Unmasking my authentic self

Updated: Mar 22

How awakening my feminine flame healed me and how you can awaken your divine feminine energy, too.

In a world where independence is often celebrated as the pinnacle of success, it's easy to lose sight of the beauty and power of our feminine essence.

For many years, I wore the mask of the independent woman, navigating the complexities of western society with a fierce determination and unwavering strength.

This mask served me well as it helped me survive in this world until it began to take a toll on my body and soul.

feminine, energy, feminine flame, divine feminine, feminine flame, Ibiza Model, How to tap into your feminine energy
Photo by Jana Pausenberger, Ibiza 2023

Like so many others, I bought into the myth that vulnerability was a weakness and that emotions were to be suppressed rather than embraced.

I prided myself on my ability to juggle multiple roles and responsibilities, striving to meet the demands of work, relationships and societal expectations.

But underneath the facade of strength and self-sufficiency, I was losing my inner most self.

My body rebelled against the pressure I had placed upon it so that I was forced to confront the truth: my fierce independence had come at a cost.

I found myself battling hormonal imbalances, grappling with insomnia and facing a terrifying diagnosis - a large knot in my thyroid that threatened to consume me with worry and fear.

In the midst of my physical and emotional turmoil, I stumbled upon a glimmer of hope - a path to natural healing that arised to me from the depths of my soul.

It was the call of my feminine essence, whispering to me to shed the layers of armor I had built around myself and embrace the gentle strength of surrender.

I started asking myself: is this how I want to live? Is this who I want to be?

And so I pressed the pause button and started exploring who I really was and who I wanted to be, a true journey of self-discovery leading me back to my truest self.

feminine, energy, feminine flame, divine feminine, feminine flame, Ibiza Model, How to tap into your feminine energy
Photo by Jana Pausenberger, Ibiza 2023

Why am I sharing this with the world?

I truly believe that most women fell like this. That we always need to compete with men, other women and ourselves, constantly proofing what we are capable of doing things men do and that we are worth it.

But here is the truth: You do not need to proof anything to anybody.

As a woman you are the mother of creation capable of bringing life, balance and softness to the world - just like Mother Nature.

If we start seeing ourselves like the divine we are, we realise we powerful we are by just being and that we do not need to compete.

Here are some of the lessons I learned along the way, as well as tips to help you awakening your own feminine flame:

1. Embrace Vulnerability:

True strength lies not in resistance, but in vulnerability. Allow yourself to feel deeply, to express your emotions freely and to embrace the full spectrum of your humanity. You are not born to be a machine.

2. Practice Self-Compassion:

Be gentle with yourself as you go through the ups and downs in life. Treat yourself with the same kindness and understanding that you would offer to a beloved friend.

feminine, energy, feminine flame, divine feminine, feminine flame, Ibiza Model
Photo by Jana Pausenberger, Ibiza 2023

3. Connect with Nature:

Spend time in nature, immersing yourself in its beauty and wisdom. Allow yourself to be nourished by the earth, the sky and the elements. Feel yourself becoming more grounded and centered with each breath - mother nature is in you.

4. Cultivate Intuition:

Trust your intuition as your guide on this journey of self-discovery. Learn to listen to the whispers of your soul and follow the path that feels most aligned with your deepest desires and values. My best decisions are made by my intuition.

5. Nurture Relationships:

Cultivate deep and meaningful connections with others, allowing yourself to be seen and supported in your vulnerability. Surround yourself with people who uplift and inspire you and let their love and support fuel your journey.

6. Engage in Creative Expression:

Explore the creative impulses that arise within you, whether through art, music, dance, or writing. Allow yourself to express your unique essence in whatever form feels most authentic to you.

feminine, energy, feminine flame, divine feminine, feminine flame, Ibiza Model
Photo by Jana Pausenberger, Ibiza 2023

7. Prioritize Self-Care:

Make self-care a non-negotiable part of your daily routine, honoring your body, mind and spirit with nourishing practices such as meditation, yoga and mindful movement.

8. Seek Balance:

Strive to find a balance between action and receptivity, doing and being, masculine and feminine energies. Allow yourself to flow with the natural rhythms of life, trusting that everything unfolds in divine timing.

These are the essential steps that brought me closer to myself and supported my healing journey as well as the process of unbecoming all the things I am not.

As I surrendered deeper into the depths of my feminine essence, I discovered a wellspring of strength, wisdom and grace that had always resided within me.

I found healing in the surrender, love in the acceptance and liberation in the embrace of my truest self.

feminine, energy, feminine flame, divine feminine, feminine flame, Ibiza Model
Photo by Jana Pausenberger, Ibiza 2023

May my story serve as a reminder that true empowerment comes not from striving to meet external expectations, but from embracing the fullness of who we are with our flaws, vulnerabilities and perfect imperfections.

feminine, energy, feminine flame, divine feminine, feminine flame, Ibiza Model
Photo by Jana Pausenberger, Ibiza 2023

And may we all have the courage to peel back the layers of conditioning and rediscover the radiant flame of our authentic feminine essences.

In my coaching program The Wellness Edit I am guiding women through their own personal transformation journey of becoming your most authentic & elevated self.


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